ESL Teacher Life Long (1)

ESL Lesson

In my last post, I shared my favorite ESL lesson plan sequence. I thought it might be helpful to share another ESL lesson that follows the same model. (To go back and read that first, click here.)

Second grade topic: Then and Now

Students learn how technology has changed over time. This unit is well suited to the language function of compare and contrast. 

ESL Lesson Objectives

We will read and write to explain how many things that we use every day have changed over time. We will use sentence frames to compare and contrast televisions from then and now when we are speaking and writing about the topic.


photo of Modern TV


To begin, I show a picture of a television and ask students: Do you like to watch TV? What do you like to watch? Where do you watch it? (I provide sentence starters if needed.)


I bring in a remote and tell students that TVs did not always have these. Then, I put up pictures of two TVs and explain that we can compare and contrast two things to explain how they are the same and different. I model how to compare and contrast them using the posted sentence frames.


We discuss: both TVs could be watched by one person or more. In the past, TVs did not have remote controls, but now they do. We also talk about what else they notice such as: TVs were once only black and white, but now they have color. At first, TVs were very deep, now they are thin and can be hung on the wall.

I love because it has  non-fiction texts in so many subject areas. Next, we begin reading, “Technology Then and Now” discussing as we go. We also continue adding to our Venn Diagram: In the past TVs had small screens, but today TVs have much larger screens. Both TVs allow people to watch the news and entertainment. 

Depending on time, and the level of the students, they can write sentences to compare and contrast TVs. If needed, it can be a shared writing where you and the students develop and write the sentences together. For higher level proficiency students, writing can be more indendent.

Continuing the Lesson


Over the next couple days, we continue reading together and discussing changes in technology. In addition, students practice using the sentence frames to explain similarities and differences. I let students choose something we read about that has changed (airplanes, cars, or cell phones) to complete their own Venn Diagram. When they are ready, students can use writing organizers to write several sentences about changes in technology, and when ready, a final draft.

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