How will you learn students’ names? How will you help your students learn about each other? Here are four names activities for the ESL classroom. The following activities provide interactive and engaging ways for students to become familiar with each other’s names while also promoting communication and connection.
Names Activities for the ESL Classroom Activity 1 : Songs and Chants

1. One way to learn names in the ESL classroom is through songs and chants including favorites such as: Who Stole the Cookies?, Knock, Knock-Who’s There?, and finishing the sentence frame, “My name is __ and I can do this!” (while modeling a movement).
Check out the name poem on the white board photo above. It can be sung to the tune of Frere Jacques. Take turns singing it with each students until they are ready to sing it on their own. Young students love it!
Activity 2 : Modeling
2. A second way to promote learning names in the ESL classroom it to plan “getting to know you activities” that include learning the names, basic facts, and interests of your students. The photo above shows a resource that guides you! Click on the photo or the Back to School resource at the bottom to see it on TPT.
Activity 3: Read Alouds
3. A third way to highlight the importance of learning names in the ESL classroom is by reading and discussing books that teach about the importance of names. Here are a few of my favorites. Click on the photo above for a link to Amazon. (affiliate link)
Activity 4 : Name Art

Finally, a quick online search of “name art” will turn up many possibilities, the simplest of which is to provide paper, markers, and encouragement to create designs to showcase students’ names. Hang these up for a colorful and student-centered display.
So there you have it! Four fun names activities for the ESL Classroom!